MICHAEL ELLBURG artist@michaelellburg.se mobil:0733837202
Soundinstallation: "ContiniuumEmptyheadDroooool" Galleri Kaponjären" 2008
Works primarily with installations, including objects, paintings, text and sound works. Often with various expressions at the same time, and when combined they formulate its own universe in the exhibition space. The items Ellburg uses in his art often have its origin from the domestic area - a pillow, a shirt, a bulletin board or a floor cloth which has given structure to a monochrome painting. Other works with more sculptural character is questioning arhcitecture as a construction, for example, a spatial white void that invites you to enter with the mind, a housing module where the elements refuses to be assembled, or a self-sufficient FurnitureRoom "Furnitechture" which are both chair, wall and ceiling in the same object. In common of all forms of the expressions lays the fact that they are functioning as historical documents, memorials and a existential survey of space, especially in connection with investigation of perception. Which have led Ellburg to work with AudioScapes that gives the listener a clear spatial picture inside the head. Perhaps the only place that one ever could call home.